Cabinet Meeting…

Governor Chris Christie waits with Deputy Chief of Staff Bill Stepien before his cabinet meeting at the War Memorial in Trenton.

I Swear…

Taylor and younger brother Justin watch as their mom Paula Dow is sworn in as the new New Jersey Attorney General. Governor Christie nominated Attorney General is the first African American woman to hold this position. The Governor smiled when Dow said she’s excited to be part of his administration for the “next four years, and possibly eight.”

My Dad…

Governor Christie addresses his cabinet members and senior staff in the outer office while his daughter looks on. It’s very exciting to have children in the statehouse. The Governor’s children range in age from 16 to 6 and it’s really exciting to see ‘Dad’ thru their eyes and to watch them take over the Statehouse.

That’s Art…

Associated Press Photographer Mel Evans gets in position to make art during a press conference…